Manufacturing in the United States is at a major inflection point. Automation, customization, artificial intelligence, and the internet of things are transforming work in the sector as part of the “fourth industrial revolution.” Alongside the aging of the manufacturing workforce, it’s estimated that between 2015 and 2025, approximately two million manufacturing jobs will go unfulfilled because of recruitment and skill-building challenges.
This historical moment has major relevance for communities of color and other communities who have long counted on manufacturing jobs as a source of middle-class income. After decades of economic trends that have shaken the faith of people in manufacturing careers, companies and communities now have the chance to create a more diverse—and ultimately more inclusive—future. But without thoughtful community-led interventions, the opportunity could be lost.
Since early 2020, the Urban Manufacturing Alliance and The Century Foundation have convened practitioners in our Industry and Inclusion programming — helping successful workforce development models thrive and spread.